“旅游业正在毁灭希腊圣托里尼岛葡萄酒业! ”在希腊大陆东南方向200公里处,生活与工作在这片新月形火山岛屿的酿酒师心底发出这样的呐喊。 希腊圣托里尼被认为是世界上至今还在种植的最古老的葡萄园所在地。据考古学家说,这里的葡萄种植业已经延续5000年之久,从未中断。 从19世纪末期到20世纪60年代兴起的旅游潮,这座岛屿的葡萄园面积由最初的4,000公顷减少到2,500公顷。如今,这个数字已经下降到了1,400公顷。当您驾车在岛上兜风,眼前那荒废的阶地,还有年轻人不愿再像祖辈一样耕种土地的事实,都足以证实这个数字。
2017-12-15 09:51:00
Wine lovers, I have found, are unrepentant collectors, not only of bottles of wine but all the paraphernalia that does along with wine - labels, corkscrews, corks and even those little metal discs under the cage of champagne bottle stoppers. And, of course, wine books.
2017-12-08 10:36:00
2017-12-08 10:34:00
Champagne may be the most frivolous of beverages but it`s also one of the most expensive, the most highly regulated in terms of its production, and the most difficult wine to make.
2017-03-31 17:57:00