Internet: a powerful tool to manage your brand and a potentially rewarding one for those wineries that know how to properly handle it. But there are some risks one must be conscious of.
2017-03-22 12:05:00
In 2014, contrary to the rest of the wines, still Rose wines has seen their market share increase on the global scene. In a general downward trend, Rose wine production and consumption has increased and become more international: 39% of all Rose wines drunk globally have crossed a frontier. Is this just a mere trend or rather a consumption pattern that is here to stay? In order to answer this question, let’s have a look at what happens on the market and then dive into the intricacy of the consumer’s mind.
2016-10-18 16:52:00
2016-10-17 15:59:00
In a crowded wine market, the customer has more and more choices. In this scenario, product differentiation appears as a key marketing and communication strategy. The concept of volcanic wines is a unique way to position wine.
2016-07-05 11:39:00
把全部位于火山岩土壤中的葡萄酒产区集中起来推广营销以提升这些风土产区的价值,并且迎合及预备吸引那些同样喜欢一些相似风土的葡萄酒的客户和消费者的兴趣,从而给他们提供一个优于其他竞争者的选择机会。集体建立起一个与火山岩风土相关联的强有力的品牌是作为这个火山岩葡萄酒协会(the Volcanic wine association)成员的承诺之一。
2016-07-05 11:19:00