在酒庄,橡木的使用是一个永远不会停止的广阔话题。为了攻克这一难题,我将其分成三种不同的情况用案例来分析,它们分别是:普通的调配型红葡萄酒、高端的勃艮第白葡萄酒和波尔多酒庄瓶装酒。 不同橡木的管理使用是大多数酿酒师工作的一部分。既然橡木对于酿酒的成本和酒的风格有影响,它不同的使用方式就主要取决于不同的细分市场定位。
2015-12-10 14:51:00
Montsant is a young DO still to be discovered. It offers an incredible potential at a fraction of the price compared to its better-known neighbor Priorat. It is a place where exciting, unique wines are made, full of vibrancy and energy.
2015-11-17 11:59:00
2015-11-17 11:30:00
Belondrade Lurton, established in the Rueda appellation since 1994 and probably the most well known winery in the area, is exemplary in many aspects.
2015-06-10 11:10:00
Koshu wines are, not surprisingly, very Japanese in style: pure, uncluttered and ethereal but at the same time they offer a true, consistent depth conferring them an almost cerebral character – which by no means excludes an emotional approach. Koshu is definitely part of the extraordinary gastronomic landscape of the island.
2015-06-10 11:03:00