Priorat has a long vinicultural history, but it only in the last 30 years that the appellation has found its place in the competitive global wine market, being now recognized as one of the top appellations not only in Spain but on a wider basis. In fact, it has something bewitching that many other areas do not have: a rugged, difficult to cultivate but attractive landscape, voluntary growers and winemakers and above all people with an unshakable faith in their own future.
2015-03-15 11:06:00
2015-03-15 00:25:00
China is in the mind of many Spanish wineries: it is at the same time an Eldorado, a market where any forecast seems useless, since anything can happen and initial estimates can quickly be out-of-date and a market so culturally distant from Spain that it is often difficult for a Spanish producer to know exactly how to enter this promising market.
2015-01-12 17:49:00
传统而言,西班牙葡萄酒一直以高酒度、重酒体而闻名于世。这类酒仍然可以找到,但其它风格的酒和后面提到的酒如今更常见。加利西亚省(Galicia)、卢埃达(Rueda)、甚至经常被人遗忘的葡萄酒产区加那利群岛(Canary islands)的清新的白葡萄酒,以及那瓦尔(Navarra)和希加雷斯(Cigales)明快的桃红葡萄酒,卡瓦(Cava)解渴清凉的起泡酒以及来自西班牙不同产区的低酒度却达到完好平衡的红葡萄酒是人们正在考虑发展的市场。
2014-12-15 23:11:00
在上篇对西班牙葡萄酒市场观测局(OEMV,Observatorio Espanol del Mercado del Vino – the Spanish Wine Market Observatory)的总经理Rafael del Rey先生进行采访之后(在那采访中,他就西班牙葡萄酒的整体形势以及未来面临的具体问题说了他的看法),我想在这篇文中补充点不同的内容观点。
2014-12-14 21:10:00