2016-09-09 17:38:00
有一种烈酒,它产自美国中心腹地,正悄无声息地风靡全世界。它带着辛香、焦糖和香草味,口感顺滑。您会感到一股热流滑过喉咙,这就是极富特色的“肯塔基式拥抱(Kentucky Hug)”,萦绕在口齿间的这种热度正是来自名为波本 (Bourbon)的美国传统威士忌。
2016-01-05 12:05:00
From deep in the heart of America comes a spirit that is quietly winning over the world. Spicy and sweet caramel and vanilla notes, a smooth palate. Then a flash of heat as you swallow, and you know you’re experiencing the characteristic “Kentucky Hug” – the lingering heat from the original American whiskey that is called Bourbon.
2016-01-05 12:00:00
2015-01-16 16:32:00
Riesling is considered as one of the most food-friendly wines in the world. That might surprise many people who are accustomed to drinking hearty red wines with main courses at dinner, because Riesling is a white wine.
2015-01-12 17:26:00