2015-12-24 11:07:00
The astronomical increase in value of both fine art and fine wine, even in times of economic recession, prompts investors and entrepreneurs, legitimate and illicit alike. The surge in demand for fine wine over the last decade, particularly in Asia, has motivated fraudsters.
2015-12-24 11:02:00
特兰托用香槟法酿制起泡酒的历史比意大利其它产区的都悠久。1902年,当特兰托还从属于奥匈帝国18个王国之一的南特里奥(Südtirol)的时候,Epernay和Geisenheim在这里开创了起泡酒的酿造,并扶持了Giulio Ferrari酿酒厂——该Ferrari与那闻名世界的法拉利轿车公司的Enzo跑车毫无关系。意大利另一个使用香槟法酿造起泡酒的产区Franciacorta也直到上世纪60年代才诞生。
2015-01-16 16:36:00
In the art auction world, 2012 was a banner year for trophy hunters, thanks to “The Scream,” Richter and Rothko. This November, auctions at Sotheby’s and Christie are brought in $787.3 million. All this amid a financial crisis.
2015-01-16 15:50:00
January is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts so it is an appropriate time to taste new releases. Each year the leading UK importers and retailers of Burgundy show their wines to the press, the trade and – increasingly often these days – to private clients.
2015-01-16 15:40:00