Global Wine Meetings will be held in Taipei from 19th to 20th April

作者: edited by Jan        来源: 《酒典》|原创作品 谢绝转载

Global Wine Meetings

Global Wine Meetings is a unique VIP event for the trade. Producers benefit from exposure with key buyers from across Asia, with pre-determined, face-to-face meetings and local walk-in traffic. Let's meet in Grand Hyatt from 19th to 20th April in Taipei.

Global Wine Meetings

Global Wine Meetings is part of Global Wine & Spirits (, a leading online platform for the trade. Created in 2000 as a collaboration between Mediagrif (TSX: MDF) ( and the Société des Alcools du Québec (SAQ) (, GWS bridges the gap between wine & spirits sellers and buyers. The company works with producers to help them develop their export markets worldwide, and with buyers to help them source more efficiently. The GWS Trade Directory lists over 4,000 wine and spirits buyers, including importers, agents, distributors, wholesalers, negotiants and retailers. Buyers range from small independent importers to large airlines, national retailers and monopoly buyers in Canada and Scandinavia. - See more at:
