2018年4月,《酒典》帮助进口商找到合适的生产商及葡萄酒:意大利西西里Etna产区Barone di Villagrande酒庄的数款葡萄酒。 In April 2018, Fine Wine and Liquor Helps Barone di Villagrande (Etna, Sicily, Italy) Find an Importer in China.
2018-05-12 21:10:00
2018年3月,《酒典》成功与挖酒网合作企业特刊《2018万象更新挖酒网特刊》。 In March 2018, Fine Wine and Liquor successfully helps WaJiu (www.wajiu.com)design and publish their enterprise special journal.
2018-04-05 16:58:00
Gancia,意大利皮尔蒙特酒区(Piedmont)起泡酒厂,始建于1850年,总部位于皮尔蒙特酒区,是意大利第一家使用传统香槟法酿制起泡酒的酒厂,在托斯卡纳和威尼托有葡萄园。《酒典》为其在杂志上的报道和在深圳举办Gancia起泡酒品鉴会,此为现场视频和杂志报道。 Gancia, a sparkling wine company in Piedmont, Italy. Fine Wine and Liquor writes a report and organizes a sparkling wine tasting for Gancia. Here is the video about the tasting and the report.
2016-11-16 13:00:00
2015年8月20日,《酒典》承办的Prowine China 2015深圳推介会及意大利葡萄酒课程举办成功。 On August 20, 2015, Fine Wine and Liquor Successfully Helps ProWein Organize Prowine China 2015 Promotion and Italian Wine Class in Shenzhen, China, with More Than 40 Importers Attended.
2015-08-21 16:28:00