When Great Wines Met Good Food
永恒都市巴黎,葡萄酒的圣殿波尔多,以及马尔贝克葡萄的起源地卡奥尔,10天11个法国酒庄,10场酒庄招待的午宴、晚宴,均在酒庄或当地久负盛名的餐厅内由庄主、总经理或酿酒师陪同;卡奥尔地区参观中世纪小镇Puy L’ Eveque及法国最美乡村Saint Cirq Lapopie。缘起拍摄酒乡短片,《酒典》杂志为您奉上一场光影、美食与佳酿的盛会。
A small team of visitors has been led by Fine Wine and Liquor magazine editor and a film crew to a well-known wine region to visit the representative chateaux and make a video. France is our first step. The journey to Bordeaux and Cahors was full of fun. Thank a lot for the enthusiastic entertainment of those VIPs of the chateaux. All the members had a good time. (Part 1)